Yao Jiayuan is a seismologist. His research covers deep Earth structure, earthquake locations, and seismic imaging.
He is now an associate professor of Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). He was a research fellow in geophysics from 2018/08 to 2021/09 at Nanyang Technological University, cooperation with Prof. Ping Tong. He received his Ph.D. degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 2018 advised by Prof. Lianxing Wen.
PhD in Geophysics, 2018
University of Science and Technology of China
BSc in Geophysics, 2012
University of Science and Technology of China
Apr. 21, 2023: The paper on Rapid along-strike variations of shallow crustal structure in response to Indo-Burma subduction: Constraints from multi-type passive seismic data has been published at Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Mar. 30, 2022: The paper on Imaging the upper 10 km crustal shear‐wave velocity structure of central Myanmar via a joint inversion of P‐Wave polarizations and receiver functions has been published at Seismological Research Letters.
Mar. 18, 2022: The paper on Adjoint tomography of northeast Japan revealed by common‐source double‐difference travel‐time data has been published at Seismological Research Letters.
Prof. Lianxing Wen was the student of those three famous scientists, and I was his Ph.D. student. I am so lucky to take photos with them.